Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

International Initiatives

Inria Associate Team: ANESTOC

  • Title: Stochastic modelling of renewable energies

  • Inria principal investigator: Denis Talay

  • International Partner (Institution - Laboratory - Researcher):

    • Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile (Chile) - ANESTOC - Rolando Rebolledo

  • Duration: 2011 - 2013

  • See also: http://www.anestoc.cl/es/?page_id=1112

  • This associate team complements a CIRIC research program in Chile. We refer to the TOSCA-ANESTOC project on stochastic modelling of renewable energies, especially wind farms, and oceanic resources. Our associate team (”équipe associée Inria”) will conduct its joint research at two different levels. Firstly, the mathematical work on its own which we have called the ”Mathematical Kernel” (MK), motivated by a number of fundamental problems raised by the specific applications in which we are interested. The second level of research concerns two main axes of Applications: (A1) Applications to Engineering (Renewable energies) and (A2) Applications to Neuroscience. The Mathematical Kernel includes a number of fields in the domains of Stochastic Analysis, Statistics and Numerical Analysis. In particular, it is worth mentioning the following: 1. Probabilistic resolution of Boussinesq non-linear partial differential equations; 2. Stochastic approach to Pope's equations on wind dynamics; 3. Open system dynamics as a bridge between Molecular Dynamics and Stochastic Differential Equations; 4. Inference on Stochastic Processes; 5. Algorithms and simulation. The Applications include the stochastic modelling of renewable energy through ocean resources and wind farms (CIRIC-subproject). This subject will be developed with engineers of the Catholic University of Chile. In addition, applications to ion-channel dynamics through cell membranes will be considered jointly with biophysicists of the CINV (Neuroscience Centre of Valparaíso).

Inria International Partners

  • Tosca participates to the NCCR FINRISK (Financial Risk) forum launched by the Swiss National Science Foundation and managed by the University of Zürich.

Participation In International Programs

  • D. Talay was the international coordinator of the MathAmsud program 08MATH05 - Stochastic Analysis and Mathematical Physics Research Network which started in 2009, also involved M. Bossy, A. Lejay and E. Tanré, and ended this year.

  • M. Bossy, , A. Lejay, D. Talay and E. Tanré are members of the CIRIC project Stochastic Analysis of Renewable Energies: Ocean Energy and Wind Farms; dynamics and numerics with Chile.